1.A statement which summarizes cash inflow and outflow is referred to as:
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
2.Cash flow statement is comprised of cash inflow and outflow from:
Operating activities
Financial activities
Investing activities
All of the above.
3.Cash flow statement is an integral part of:
Annual financial reports
Annual budgets
Annual forecast
4.Cash flow statement can be prepared using:
One method
Two method
Three method
5.Which of the following is the methods of preparing cash flow statement:
Direct method
Indirect method
All of the above
6.IFRS approves the use of which method of preparing cash flow statement:
Direct method
Indirect method
7.indirect method of cash flow starts with:
Earnings after interest & taxes
Earnings before interest & taxes
Earnings after tax
8.Non cash items are:
Depreciation expense
Amortization expense
All of the above
9.The direct method of cash flow statement is prepared adding:
All cash payments and receipts
All expenses and payments
None of the above
10.Negative cash flow is always a problem of going concern?