Common Size Analysis

Common Size Analysis is actually the vertical analysis but for more than one reporting periods. As it covers more than one accounting period, it is of high importance for the financial analyst because he or she can easily see the trends across the years for making informed decisions. 

Common size analysis can also be performed in horizontal analysis whereby the analyst can take any year figure as 100{1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} and present the rest of the years figures as a proportion/ percentage to this.


Alpha industry has the following data available for the two years:

Alpha Industry

Income Statement

Revenue 200 190 
Cost of goods sold (100) (90) 
Gross profit 100 100 
Distribution expenses (40) (30) 
Admin & selling expenses (30) (20) 
Profit before tax 30 50 

Required: Conduct a vertical common size analysis of the income statement.


Alpha Industry

Common Size Analysis

Revenue 100 100 
Cost of goods sold (50) (47) 
Gross profit 50 53 
Distribution expenses (20) (15) 
Admin & selling expenses (15) (11) 
Profit before tax 15 27