Category Bad Debts

Bad debts are the expenses which appear in the income statement. These actually arise due to making sales on credit terms. If an entity wants to avoid the risk of bad debts, it may stop selling on credit terms. But this will affect the entity’s sales badly and the entity has to suffer from severe loss. In order to avoid the loss, the entity has to sell goods and services on credit terms. But it has to implement some sorts of criteria to screen out the customers so that a very low {1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} of accounts receivable turn into bad debts.

Method of Recording

 There are two methods of recording bad debts expense as under:

  1. Direct method

 Under direct method, we do not create Allowance for doubtful account.  Instead, we pass on the journal entry of bad debt once the amount gets confirmed.

Debit Credit
Bad debt expense xyz
Accounts Receivable xyz

  1. Indirect Method

 This method is also called Allowance for Doubtful Account method. Under this method, an accounting estimate is formulated and applied to either accounts receivable ending balance or the sales figure of the reporting period. Then, following entry is passed on in the general journal:

Debit Credit
Bad debt expense xyz
            Allowance for  doubtful debt xyz
Allowance for bad debt ABC
            Accounts Receivable ABC

Bad Debt Based on Receivable

Bad debt may be estimated on the edning balance of the accounts receivable. The another method is estimated based on credit sales method. At the end of the period, entity apply certain {1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} on the ending balance of the accounts…

Bad Debt as Percentage of Sales

In order to find out the allowance for doubtful debt figures, the entity has to apply {1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} to a value. This value may be based on accounts receivable ending balance or the sales figure of the reporting figure. Here we…

Recovery of Bad Debts

Entity records bad debt expense and create allowance based on estimation. When the chances of recovery get very low, entity decides to write off the bad debt. But as all the calculation depends upon the estimation, the customer may pay…

Bad Debts Allowance Method

In order to write off accounts receivable, there are two methods available. Here, we will be discussing the indirect method which is called bad debt allowance method. The management decides the allowance rate based over the past trends and uses…

Bad Debts Direct Write-off Method

There are two methods for writing off the accounts receivable. One of them is bad debt direct method. Under this, accountant does not take support from any estimate and as a result, the bad debt expense entry is passed only…