Category Financial Management Topics

Inflation in NPV

Inflation is usually defined as the general rise in the price of the goods and services. So, it has huge impact over the Net Present Value analysis because we use nominal rate of return in discounting cash flows to the…

Capital Allowances in NPV

Most of the countries in the world allow depreciation over the fixed asset in tax regime. This is called Capital Allowances and is a saving from paying more tax to the tax authorities. Capital allowances can be claimed for properties,…

Projects with Unequal Lives

In practical life, an enterprise has many options to invest in long term projects. These projects have different life span. For financial analyst to evaluate various projects with unequal lives, the solution is not easy. He cannot compare NPV or…

Multiple IRR

IRR (Internal rate of return) is the valuable technique to evaluate capital intensive project. This is useful when the cash flows are following the conventional pattern of cash flows. Be conventional pattern, we mean that in initial years, cash outflows…

Profitability Index

Profitability Index is another most important capital investment evaluation method. It is denoted by PI. It takes into account present value of future cash flows and compares it with the initial amount of investment. That is why; it makes this…