Essay on a Visit to a National Museum of Pakistan

One of the hottest topic in exam is essay on a visit to a national museum of pakistan. Not only we will share essay but the the tip on how to write yourself.

Essay on a visit to a national museum of Pakistan

  1. Introduction to the Lahore Museum in Pakistan – write little bit about Lahore city and its museum. You can write the location of the museum.
  2. The Grand Hall and Ancient Sculptures – explain about the big hall inside Lahore museum
  3. Islamic Art and Architecture Galleries with Rare Manuscripts – one of the key feature of the museum is the Islamic art
  4. Miniature Paintings from the Mughal Era – without the discussion of Mughals, off course the essay cannot be completed
  5. Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Gallery – though Indus Valley is in Sindh Province , Lahore museum has gallery of Indus valley civilization in context of Pakistan
  6. Unique Collection of Coins and Currency – coins and currency of before and after Independence is also available within the museum
  7. Library and Conservation Laboratory – without library how museum can be completed.
  8. Conclusion: Finish the essay on museum by describing experience and essential destination for exploring Pakistan’s history and culture and the role of museum in the context.
Essay on A visit to a national museum of Pakistan
A Visit to a National Museum of Pakistan