Essay on Population Growth Challenges

This is the most common challenge all over the world. That is why, Essay on Population Growth Challenges is often asked in the examination. In order to easy handle this, let follow the below guidline:

How do you start a population growth essay?

Population growth: increase in the number of human beings within a specified time period

Why it grows: due to human and natural factors.

Natural factors: births and death

Human factors: individual migrating from one place to another

Effect on society: Both positive and negative

Why negative: nation has limited or scarce natural resources such as food, land and water. Environmental depletion and degradation. Also create issues of poverty and crime.

Why positive: larger population leads to larger labor force. If employed overseas, can become a major source of foreign currency.

How to control negative impact of Population Growth:

  • Promote family planning
  • resource management
  • implement policies that promotes economic growth
  • proper education system

Essay on Population Growth Challenges