Stitch in time saves nine story moral story

At various stages of our studies, different moral stories are included in the syllabus. One of them is Stitch in time saves nine stories. It is often examined in 1st-year and 2nd-year Examinations. Let’s start!

Stitch in time saves nine story

Moral Story

In a village, there was a stingy merchant and he had a white horse. He used the horse for travelling to various markets in order to sell his goods. But he did not take care of his horse. One day, one of the horse’s toes was damaged. The stable man informed the merchant not to travel on the horse without proper treatment. But the merchant did not pay attention to the stable man’s advice.
He started a travel and once he reached the jungle’s darkest place, robbers attached the merchant. Due to the limping horse, the merchant cannot run away fastly on the horse. Robers snatched all the precious goods and escaped away. The merchant could not take any action against them.

At that time, the merchant learned that if he had spent some money on his horse’s damaged toe, he would not face such a big loss.

Dear kids, this is the lesson of today’s story that stitch in time saves nine.