Count the Number of Excel Records That Fall Between Two Dates

Counting data in MS Excel is not a difficult task. Whatever the data is and whatever your report requirement is, you can simpoly do it via COUNTIFS functions. There is no need to do this via Excel macros. Lets suppose you have many data available in Excel sheet with dates like this:



You can see that we have taken support from the COUNTIFS function and use the criteria and criteria range to accomplish the task to count the number of Excel records that fall between two dates.

You can see that student admission date details are saved in an Excel workbook. The school management is conisdering to give some special discounts in fees to students who registered in the year 2006. But before going to do this, the management wants to know how much it would has to bear because it cannot afford a lot of discounts.

We have used a small list to explain the method to this task in Excel. In reality, this list would be quite long. So, it will not be easy to find out the number of students registered in 2006. Using COUNTIFS formula, we have done this task in an easy to understand method. Once we get the number of students registered in 2006, the management can then multiply the discount amount to this figure to assess its decision.