Compound Journal Entry

Compound Journal Entry

Compound entry or compound journal entry is the combination of two or more simple entry. It involves more than one debit or credit. In simple entry, we have only one debit and credit. However, in compound entry, we make more than one debit, credit or to both.

The purpose is to avoid too many accounting journal entries when you can save time to pass it into one compound entry.


ABC Company pays $3,000 to supplier A for the office furniture purchased amounting to $1,500 on 01 Dec. The excess amount is adjustable for earlier shopping from the same supplier. Pass the compound journal entry.






O1 Dec

Furniture Fixed Assets




Accounts Payable







Another good example of compound journal entry is the payment of salaries because it involves the tax deductions as well. Entry would be as follows:





O1 Dec

Salaries Expense




Tax on Salaries Payable






Beginners in accounting are recommended to pass on the simple journal entry to record financial transactions. This enables them to understand the transaction flow easily and make their solid accounting foundation. Gradually when they become familiar with transaction process and flow, they can easily move on the complex or compound journal entry to record the accounting record. Here is another example which we will use to explain compound journal entry.


1.    Insurancepremium paid amounting $5,000, out of which $2,000 needs to be expensed out in this accounting period,
2.    Accrual of salaries of 02 staff at the end of the period for $100 each.
3.    A check amounting to $3,000 is issued to a supplier for the payment of a laptop costing $1,000. The excess amount is paid to settle the previous balance of the supplier.
4.    The loan taken from the bank on 1st Jan 2017 amounting to $10,000. The interest rate on this loan is 10{1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} and loan is payable on 31st December, 2017.
5.    Accounting software amounting to $1,000 was purchased and half of the amount paid initially.
Required: Pass the above entries as simple entry and compound entry.

Simple Entry

  Debit Credit
Prepaid insurance 5,000  
Cash   5,000
Inurance expense 2,000  
Prepaid insurance   2,000
Salary expense 100  
Salary expense 100  
Accrued salary   100
Accrued salary    100
Fixed assets 1,000  
Bank   1,000
Accounts payable 2,000  
Bank   2,000
Loan payable 10,000  
Bank   10,000
Interest expense 1,000  
Interest payable   1,000
Computer fixed asset 1,000  
Accounts payable   1,000
Accounts payable 500  
Cash   500
Compund Journal Entries    
Prepaid insurance 3,000  
Insurance expense 2,000  
Cash   5,000
Salary expense 200  
Accrued salaries   200
Fixed assets 1,000  
Accounts payable 2,000  
Bank   3,000
Loan payable 10,000  
Interest expense  1,000  
Bank   10,000
Interest payable    1,000
Computer Fixed assets 1,000  
Accounts payable   500
Cash   500