Income Statement

The income statement is the term used to define a financial statement component that calculates the profit or loss of a period. It is also called profit and loss account, statement of financial performance, statement of operations, earning statements, and operating statements. 

Income statements may be prepared for any period of time such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. But in various jurisdictions, it is mandatory to prepare profit & loss statements at least on a yearly basis. This statement starts with a header that contains the name of the entity, the name of the statement, and the period covered in the statement such as:

ABC Company

Income Statement

For the Year Ended 31st Dec 2016

This statement is prepared over the accrual basis of accounting, that is, on a non-cash basis. This is the difference between a cash flow statement and an income statement. 

Components of Income Statement

The normal components are:

Sales revenue and gains

  • Revenue from business operations
  • Revenue from non-business operations
  • Gain from sale of fixed assets 

Expenses & other losses

  • Expenses incurred on primary activities
  • Expenses incurred on secondary activities
  • Losses on sale of fixed assets


Profit & loss statement is prepared in two formats:

T Format

Just like ledger accounts, profit & loss statement is also prepared in T format. Due to presentation issues, this format is rarely used in practical life and report format has replaced this format altogether.

Report Format

Under this format, the income statement starts with a header as mentioned above, then items of revenue and gains are listed. Later cost of goods sold is listed and subtracted to arrive at gross profit figure. Out of this figure, various operating, admin and selling expenses are subtracted to find out the figure of net income or net profit.

Specimen income statement / specimen Profit & Loss Statement

ABC Company

Income Statement

For the Year Ended 31 Dec 2015

 Notes 2016 2015 
Revenue 11  15,00013,000 
Cost of Goods Sold 12     9,000   8,000 
Gross Profit     6,000   5,000 
Distribution & Selling Expenses13    1,000     800 
Administrative Expenses 14     2,000   2,200 
Operating Expenses 15     2,000   1,000 
Operating Profit / EBIT   1,000  1,000 
Interest Expense 16       300      350 
Profit before tax/ earnings before tax      700    650
Income Taxes 17       200     180 
Profit after tax/ earnings after tax       500    470
Earning per share         0.5    0.47 


CDX is involved in manufacturing shoes and has become the market leader in a very short span of time. The director of the CDX is interested in knowing the financial position of the company. In order to know the profitability of the business, you as the management accountant have collected the data from the accounting system. The following information is available from its accounting records:

Cash sales are amounting to $ 3,000,000, which is 30 {1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} of the total sales revenue.

Purchases are $ 5,000,000.

The opening & closing stock of finished goods are $ 1,000,000 & $ 2,000,000.

The electricity expenses are $1,000.

Rent expenses are $ 2000,000.

Depreciation expenses are $ 50,000.

Insurance expenses are $ 500,000.

Stationary expenses are $ 20,000.

Advertising expenses are $ 2,000,000.

Commission expenses are $ 50,000.

Distribution expenses are $ 100,000.


Being the management accountant, you are required to prepare income statement of CDX.


Cash sales = $ 3,000,000

Total sales = 3,000,000 / 30 {1bb28fb76c3d282be6cfd0391ccf1d9529baae691cd895e2d45215811b51644c} = $ 10,000,000

Credit sales = 10,000,000 – 3,000,000 = $ 7,000,000

Cost of goods sold = Purchases + Opening stock – Closing stock = 5,000,000 + 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 = $ 4,000,000

Operating expenses = rent expenses + depreciation expenses + insurance expenses + stationary expenses + commission expenses + distribution expenses = 2,000,000 + 500,000 + 50,000 + 20,000 + 50,000 + 100,000 = $ 2,720,000

Now, we will prepare income statement as follows:


Income Statement

For the Period Ended 31st December, 2016

Sales revenue10,000,000
Cost of goods sold(4,000,000)
Gross profit6,000,000
Operating expenses(2,720,000)
Advertising expenses(2,000,000)
Net profit1,280,000

The income statement shows above that the ADX is earning profit while producing shoes and selling in the market. So, this is a satisfactory report for the director of the ADX. But ADX needs to focus on its credit sales as it is a large portion of the total sales. If the customers fail to pay, this could lead to a big amount of bad debt and this will cause a severe loss to the company ADX.