Single Step Income Statement

It is one of the most simple and easy to prepare income statement format. In this approach, we sum up all the revenues and gains and likewise sum up all the expenses. After that, we subtract the expenses total from the revenue and gains total to arrive at net income. 

Net income/ net profit = (Revenues + Gains) – (All expenses + all types of losses)

This format is not regarded as the best format as there is no valuation of gross profit. Not just that, one cannot determine expenses segrgation according to the department or cost pool.

Sales Revenues $2,000,000

Total revenue         $2,000,000


     Cost of goods sold 700,000

     Promotional           60,000

     Depreciation           40,000

     Salaries                 800,000

     Rent                        80,000

     Entertainment       100,000

Total Expenses    $1,780,000

Net Income               $220,000


ZTE is a large sized company engaged in telecommunication industry. It is regarded as top 3 companies in the industry due to its customer base. The main reason of such a large customer base is the quality of services and the value added services it offers to its customers at cheap rates as compared to the competitors. Following data is available for its recent financial year ended on 31st Dec 2016:

Sales revenue = $ 11,000

Purchases = $ 4,000

Opening stock = $ 3,000

Closing stock = $ 2,000

Depreciation expenses = $ 500

Rent expenses = $ 500

Insurance expenses = $ 300

Electricity expenses = $ 200

Parking expenses = $ 200

Repair & Maintenance expenses = $300

Sales return = $ 1,000


Prepare single-step income statement using the information given above.


Net sales = sales revenue – sales return = 11,000 – 1,000 = 10,000

Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + purchases – closing stock = 3,000 + 4,000 – 2,000 = 5,000

Expenses = depreciation expenses + rent expenses + insurance expenses + electricity expenses + parking expenses + repair & maintenance expenses = 500 + 500 + 300 + 200 + 200 + 300 = $ 2,000


Single – Step Income Statement

For the Year Ended 31st December, 2016

Sales revenue10,000
Cost of sales(5,000)
Net profit3,000