New Oxford Primary Science Level 2 Third Edition Nicholas Horsburgh Exercise and Solution

New Oxford Primary Science Level 2 Third Edition Nicholas Horsburgh Exercise and Solution

Unit 1 The Human Body

Exercises with answers

  1. Choose the correct answer: i) c. joint ii) b. skull iii) b. belief iv) d. skin v) c. lungs
  2. Joints in the body parts: i) middle finger 3 ii) thumb 2 iii) arm 3
  3. Bones protecting the important organs: i) heart and lungs ribs ii) nerves in the spine spine iii) brain skull
  4. Answer these questions: i) a skeleton is a hard structure. It protects the internal organs of a living thing. ii) In order to move from one place to the other, we need muscles and joints. Joints helps the skeleton and allow us to run, walk, bend or lift things. iii) if the body did not have skeleton, we cannot be able to move. iv) Heart : it pumps blood to all body parts. Brain: it controls our body and our actions. Lungs: it helps to breath air in and out of our body. Stomach: it helps to digest the food. v) seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching vi) Five sense organs: ears, eyes, noses, tongue and skin.
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Unit 2 Health and Safety

Key Book Exercises with answers

  1. Choose the correct answer: i) d. all of the above ii) d. french fries iii) a. running with scissors iv) a. be poisonous v) b. they keep us safe
  2. Answer these questions i) our muscles need signals from our brain and energy from food to contract and move. ii) We should not tease animals because frightened animals can kick, scratch or bite us. iii) Handwashing is very important while you are preparing meals as well as going to eat. Without hand wash, it can serve as mode of transmission of germs for many diseases. iv) Loud noise can damage membrane and cells in the cochlea. v) Electric kettle is dangerous when it is switched because it is hot and contain high voltage current.
  3. 4. Choose the correct word: i) junk ii) 6-8 iii) strong iv) healthy

Unit 3 Plants and their Parts

Solved Exercises

  1. Choose the correct answer: i) d. coriander ii) d. radish iii) d. orange pip iv) c. mango v) c. water and food

2. Fill in the blanks: i) trees ii) shrubs iii) cactus iv) plants v) creepers

3. Find out, tree, herb, shrub or climber: tamarind (T), cedar (T), neem (T), apricot (T), mint (H), bougainvillea (S), hibiscus (S), peepal (T), grapevine (C), sunflower (Plant) , jasmine (S), mulberry (T), pea (C), rose (S)

4. Apple, Apricot, Grapes, Lemon, Mango , 1st seed is apricot, 2nd seed is apple, 3rd seed is lemon, 4th seed is mango, 5th seed is grapes

6. Some parts of unknown plants are poisonous in nature. These are very dangerous for human life. That is why we should not eat them.

7. Short answers: i) by counting the ring inside the trunk, we can find out the age of the tree. ii) mango has a thicker skin as compared to that of plum. iii) yes, commonly the lemon taste is more sour than orange. iv) papaya has more seeds than plum as one papaya can have 115 seeds. v) yes all flowers become fruit and not all fruits are edible.